tech tech technical difficulties
Ok, so my friend Sander from St. Louis said to me in an email yesterday and I quote:
"I was reading your blog. You better not stop writing stuff!"
and I pause. I have been getting email from folks telling me to keep writing, and I am surprised and unsure what to do. I don't like the online diary idea. I only opened this blog because I wanted to share my Europe bike ride with the great people who donated money to help me get there. So, I don't know what to do. Sander is pretty much right about everything, so I feel like I should listen to whatever he says I should do.
I think I'll try it for awhile and see how it goes. I just get busy. I am private. I tend to be wrong about most things. So with those three stellar facts, we'll see how long it takes until someone emails me pleading that I stop writing.
Hi,maby its can be interest for u maby not!
(by the way u have very nice blog :)
10:24 AM
none of those reasons stop any of us!
8:14 AM
I am happy you have a blog. You have a unique and beautiful perspective and at least here I can catch a glimpse of it.
9:27 AM
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