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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

When in doubt stay in the rotary

A mantra that title line is. Mostly it was a joke while in Europe, as traffic circles are very common there. While driving and you happen to find yourself in a rotary and you aren't sure which side to exit on, one should just stay in the rotary --or at least that's what we'd say while trying to support the driver while we frantically looked at the map. I find that lately that particular saying fits with my mood. When in doubt, just simply stay and just sit with what you don't know and think before you act. Sort of along the same lines of that old saying "measure twice, cut once." A lot of friends, and some family, are in transition right now and mostly I can't help them, but I'd like to. I'd like to tell them what to do or have them do what I think is right, but that's not really reasonable. Mostly they need to make up their own minds, and lately a few of them are unsure and, at times, even afraid. Change is hard and it can make someone feel very isolated and alone while going through it, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should try and push that away or try to make it go faster just to be done with it. A lot of the time we learn the most about ourselves when the shit is hitting the fan, and even more so you find out who your real friends are during that same time. So, this is to say, for all of you out there who might be going through change.....remember this.. that you only have to do what you have to do for you, and most importantly in your own time and only when you feel ready. Until then and when in doubt, I say to you, as I look at the map of life, stay in the rotary.


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