Profoundly committed to providing effervescence

Friday, November 28, 2008

Pre Thanksgiving Post Thanksgiving

This is a picture of me on Nov 26th, the day before Thanksgiving.

This is now me only two days later. The day after T-Day. Oh what can happen in only two days.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

If this blog fell in the forest...

Smithers asked if this blog actually exists and I suppose it does. It's something I used to write on from time to time, but mostly it was around to help raise awareness about MS. I don't think many people check in anymore since my big bike rides are all done, but if you do check in and you helped me raise TONS of money for the MS Society over the past few years I'd like to say thank you.

I am getting married this July. My fiance and I are trying to figure out our living situation and my job keeps me incredibly busy. I am happy mostly, but wish I could work less and enjoy life a little bit more. I don't see my friends as much as I'd like and I could always exercise more.... couldn't we all??!?!?

So, here I sit on a Sunday evening at 9:11p.m. and feel the weight of Monday bearing down already. I think I'll sign off here for now and go do some reading.

Thanks for reading and I'll see if I can find a picture to post to make this more entertaining :)