Sorry to everyone who might not know who that man is in the picture below. The German is, in fact, Jan Ulrich. Mr. Ulrich is the 1997 Tour De France winner. He is also younger than me. Barely. I looked it up and he was born in December of 1973. I was born in March of 1973. Barely, but still younger. I only point it out because he looks older. Jan is also an Olympic gold medal winner in the sport of cycling. He also has placed 2nd in the Tour for a handful of years. He is an amazing cyclist. Even if he did dope. He's never admitted to it, but has been accused. To me it doesn't matter. He's still an amazing athlete and I am a fan. Not a as much of a fan as my friend Derrick, (who is a SUPER fan) but a fan nonetheless. So, there you have it. That is the German and I met him. And he said 5 words to me. "Hello, My name is Jan" I already knew that, but that's ok. I can say for certian that it was Jan because he told me so. :)
And for the record, for all of you serious cyclists out there who do or have watched the tour, Jan is not fat. At all.
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